viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014


I am a writer from Caracas, now living in Coral Gables, Miami. I worked as a journalist in national and international companies.
Since I left my country I have been working as a Writing Coach, helping people that wants to write personal stories.

To tell your story can give you a lot of benefit:

  • Your family will remember the most cherished moments.
  • If you write a good story and decide to publish it can be an investment.
  • Writing about you is good to health as it is proven to stimulate the immune system and lower blood pressure.
But most importantly is that when you tell your story hidden memories are reorganized and you look at them from another perspective.

All stories are interesting but you have to know how to tell them.

Soy una escritora de Caracas, Venezuela que ahora vive en Coral Gables, Miami. Trabajé como comunicadora en compañías nacionales e internacionales y desde que salí de mi país he trabajado como "writing coach". Ayudo a las personas que desean escribir sus historias personales. 

Escribir las anécdotas de tu vida te puede dar unos cuantos beneficios. Entre ellos:

  • La familia recordará los momentos familiares más queridos.
  • Si la historia está bien escrita y deseas publicarla puede ser una buena inversión.
  • Escribir sobre ti mismo es bueno para la salud, está comprobado que eleva el sistema inmunológico y que baja la presión arterial. 
Pero lo más importante es que cuando se cuentan los recuerdos escondidos en la memoria, ellos se reorganizan en nuestro cerebro y nos hacen verlos desde otra perspectiva. 

Todas las historias son interesantes, lo importante es saber contarlas. 


Why does your work stand out from others who do what you do?

Because I have many years writing family narrative and helping others to remember, organize and tell. I know how to make a structure to narrate.

What do you like most about your job?

The wonderful stories I've heard, successes and failures.

What questions do customers most commonly ask you? What's your answer?

Customers ask me if their lives will be interesting to narrate and my answer is yes, but the important thing is to know how to tell.

What do you wish customers knew about you or your profession?

That my whole life revolves around memories, words and communication.

If you were a customer, what do you wish you knew about your trade? Any inside secrets to share?

I wish to know if anyone can tell a story and be creative. An yes, creativity is an attitude.

Do you have a favorite story from your work?

I have heard many stories but the favorites are those that communicate emotions.

Tell us about a recent job you did that you are particularly proud of.

I gave 12 hours workshop to 10 participants in Coral Gables. Sharing stories is very comforting.

What advice do you have for a customer looking to hire a provider like you?

Be alert to the inner saboteur. He does not want you to write your story.

How did you decide to get in your line of work?

I decided to help people who ask me how to tell stories.

What is your greatest strength?

People feel well with me and willing to tell their stories.

What are the latest developments in your field? Are there any exciting things coming in the next few years or decade that will change your line of business?

Yes, neuroscience already knows where the narrative originates in the brain.

Do you do any sort of continuing education to stay up on the latest developments in your field?

I keep reading all the time. Every day there are news about memory and the brain.